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Learning to embrace the pamper

As young professional females it can be hard to find that off switch. Personally I've gone from working a fulltime job in the events industry with an 80 mile daily commute and working long and often unsociable hours to being at home. I've been on maternity leave for about a week now and it's blissful to not have to do that drive and to be at home when my partner gets in from work, the dinner already on the go and the energy left to be able to wash up, shower and do his lunch box without feeling overwhelmed and like I might maybe cry. But then why do I feel so guilty when I sit down and put my feet up in a way I never did when I was at work?

It's a weird concept though learning to accept that it's okay to treat myself once in a little while by doing a whole lot of nothing. Yesterday I felt like baby was having a party on my sciatic nerve so I gave up on the housework at about midday and ran myself a bath. How indulgent, a bath in the middle of the day!! It felt kinda wrong and more than a little bit naughty so I thought why not go the whole hog?! My mum had bought me the Reposed subscription box and I wanted to save it for a day where I could really indulge so I poured some Joules bath soak into the tub and got out the book, chocolate, tea and face mask. I haven't had any caffeine this pregnancy so a mug of Earl Grey was even more naughty! And you know what? The world didn't end because I stopped for a few hours. I felt better for it, I felt happy and pampered for when my man came home and I even mustered the energy in the afternoon to clear out and re-organise the fridge!

The value of stopping, pampering ourselves and not letting guilt set in is so important. I have had a very easy pregnancy and at 38 weeks I still feel pretty good and active. Because I can carry on, I often feel like I must but it's hard to remember sometimes that I am growing an actual human being. A real life little person who needs me to be in tip top shape over the next few weeks so I can give birth and nourish him to the best of my ability when the time comes.

Struggling to think of ways that you can slow down and find time for yourself? Here are some of my favourites below.

1) Have a day time bath with a face mask and a candle. Indulgent, decadent and oh so relaxing.

2) Go to a charity shop and pick up a new book or three. This way it doesn't have to break the bank and you won't feel guilty if you sit and read the whole book in a day!

3) Buy yourself a bunch of flowers. Asda have lovely sunflowers for £3 a bunch at the moment and they make me smile every time I look at them!

4) Have a picnic lunch. Make the most of the last hot days of the year and eat all your favourite childhood picnic treats alfresco.

5) Get that shot of salted caramel in your decaf coffee. And go large whilst you're at it!

6) Sit down and write a handwritten letter to a friend. You'll be amazed at how time flies and it'll give you great satisfaction knowing they'll be overjoyed to receive something so personal.

7) Do some baking or fill the freezer. If you find cooking and baking therapeutic but rarely have time, make the most of it now! You can even cook meals ahead for when baby's here or stock pile some great little energy boosting snacks like protein balls and muesli flapjacks if you're trying to be good.

8) Binge watch Netflix. Working Moms is a must.

9) Light a scented candle, put on your favourite record and cuddle up with your partner. You'll never be a two again which is sad and scary in equal measure so make the most of them whilst you can!

10) Have a lie in. Easier said than done when your bladder/kicking baby/backache wakes you up at some ungodly hour but a lie in doesn't need to mean sleeping. Get up, have a stretch and a wee but then gather some supplies for staying in bed for a few more hours. Tea, books, your tablet, the cat, a stack of pancakes with maple syrup... whatever makes your bed feel like the best fortress against the world ever!

Remember, your world is about to be turned upside down and you're going to have a human who thinks you're superwoman forever. Live up to that reputation by learning to recharge now!

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